Suryanamaskar: don’t leave home without it.

This morning I watched the dawn turn to day on Lake Geneva and the sun rise over Mont Blanc. After four days solid of rain, mist, fog, thunder, full cloud cover and white outs, the sun on the lake and mountains were a refreshing surprise. The day begged for a formal greeting, and a dozen classic sun salutations were naturally in order. Luckily they had fit neatly into my minimal luggage and I could produce and enjoy them on the spot, even in this foreign locale.

Suryanamaskar, or sun salutation, (elegantly demonstrated here by Donna Farhi from her book A Return to Wholeness) can be practiced in any environment, condition or time of life. In fact Ayurvedic practitioner and yoga teacher Dr. Dhru MD, urges you to “Don’t leave home without it [your daily dozen sun salutations every morning].” For periods of many years during my twenty year relationship with yoga, suryanamaskar… that’s been the thread of my asana practice. Perhaps many of us would like to have a daily session with a private teacher or attend a 60-75 minute studio class. Then, however, we may find this is not feasible due to financial or time constraints. Practicing on, or off, the mat a sun salutation variation for about ten minutes each morning can be as or more effective than a once weekly or monthly intensive session. A short daily practice in your room at home provides a rejuvenating link to your yoga-mind intention. That alone can be a comprehensive practice or a diligent complement to your work with yoga teachers. Part of yoga mindset and teachings is that you listen to your inherent inner-wisdom teacher. A good morning sun salutation offers a beautiful platform from which to safely practice that. Nothing special is needed. An open mind-heart and tuning into your breath are nice places to begin, but if that is not immediately available to you, it will come in time from the practice. A perfect day, I’m glad I began it with my Self.

2 thoughts on “Suryanamaskar: don’t leave home without it.

  1. Good morning, Tolle. I loved this post. I have an inner dialogue about learning or not learning yoga. When I am learning something I need to know the hows and whys to fully embrace it. Because of this I have resisted joining a class. I have considered taking private lessons this summer to get a solid base of understanding but then worry that I do not know how to find a good teacher.

    Do you have any suggestions of how I might begin? Maybe even a video to see if I like it and go at my own pace?

    On another subject, I was so distressed to read about Lake and the exploding glass. However, I marvel at the human body and how quickly he has recovered. Wow. It must have been so hard for you. I had a couple of things happen with our children that just tested my ability to be a true caretaker. I can still tear up thinking about one incident in particular and that was over 20 years ago.

    You and your parents are really good parents.

    Have a great visit in Switzerland!



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Donna, thank you for your caring comments and words of encouragement and support. Yoga has also been that for me throughout my adult life. I laid your interest and curiosity in trying new things, especially those which bring you to the present moment and to your Self. Although it may seem counterintuitive, beginning an introduction to yoga by going on a yoga retreat would be ideal. There you would have the time to immerse fully through a personalized introduction with one of the best (gentle, wise and loving) teachers in the world. Does this sound interesting to you? One of my dear teachers Jodi Boone is offering a retreat in Greece this August.
      All my love, Tolle


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