Cast of Characters: Julia

We would like to introduce Julia Schenkel from Plauen, Germany. She currently lives with her mother and her pug Alvin in this small village in central east Germany (also she has her father, and two brothers Markus and Alexander). The nearest big city appears to be Prague in the Czech Repuplic. She studied (German, Art, English, Latin, history, geography, social studies/economics, Maths, biology, chemistry, ethics, and PE) at Diesterweg Gymnasium Plauen to pass her A Levels in June 2019. Congratulations on your substantial achievement, Julia! In her spare time, she loves to read, cook/bake, spend time with her friends, walk her dog Alvin, and to spend time at the swim hall where she swims and coaches swim team. She has also cared for her 3 year old nephew Toni on a regular basis since he was born. Of Lake, she called him “such a cute, smart, and friendly boy”. Julia arrived to our home here in Seattle on 24 July 2019. We went directly over to Newman Lake for holiday, and celebrated her nineteenth birthday! After one good month Julia returned to Germany. Thank you Julia!