
9 Dec 2023 📸 Jason Gerend

One morning of President’s Day Weekend Lady Kitty climbed into bed with me—in my bedroom at my parents house where we were staying and wherein I lived as a teenager— and cuddled up to me and wrapped her little leg around mine.

“When will it be morning?” she asked.

“It kind of is morning already. It’s just very early morning.” I said

“When will it not be early morning?” she asked quietly. “I see a little bit of light out there”, she continued. It was six o’clock.

“You’re my sweetest Sweetheart,” I said.

“Lake is your sweetest son,” she directly replied.

“Duane is your sweetest Dad,” she went on.

“Nana is your sweetest Mama.”

“Let’s go downstairs and see if Baba is there.” He was!

A perfect day! I’m glad all the Sweethearts get to spend the weekend together with NanaBaba, who are such esteemed and gracious hosts, devoted parents and loving grandparents. And then the kids got to stay the week for mid-winter break at the now famous Camp NanaBaba.


Infinite Fun

📸 Emily Hogan 2023

Last night I overheard Michael as he was putting the kids to bed, as is his custom when he gets home from work around their bedtime… he was counting super fast, and in a funny voice, and the children were laughing in hysterics. When they were finally all cozy and contentedly tucked in, he came out of the room. I commented happily that it seemed like they were having a lot of fun at bedtime.

“Kids really love counting. The fun never ends when you’re counting,” he said.

Infinite fun! That got me in hysterics!

And just in case you don’t find that as funny as I did, here’s some Valentine’s themed jokes for your amusement:

What did the blueberry say to the strawberry on Valentine’s Day?

I love you berry much.

What kind of Valentine’s Day candy is never on time?


What do you call a very small Valentine?

A valenTINY.

What did one volcano say to the other?

I lava you.

What do you call two birds in love? Tweethearts.

And one last one from our family to yours: What kind of fun never ends?


Wishing you and yours a very lovely Valentine’s Day!

Children’s Museum

Pursuing her options at the optometrist’s clinic
Top picks for eyewear
A healthy shopper

The Seattle Children’s Museum is an understated yet fun place for Lady Kitty to explore and feel confident. It’s seemingly designed especially for preschool children and especially appreciated on a rainy or cold and dark afternoon. There’s furthermore a little secret we’ve stumbled upon. The Children’s Museum allows free entrance 30 minutes prior to closing. This timetable happily corresponds with Lake’s pre-ballet dance class. So it keeps Lady Kitty and myself economically engaged and dry for part of our time whilst footloose and fancy-free at Seattle Center. She’s a lot of fun. Sometimes we even help them tidy up a bit before they close.

Leaf Puddle

After arriving home from a big weekend trip to Portland mama was anxious to get outside and stretch her legs before it got dark. It was a long car ride, but worth it for the adventure.

Party in the backseat!

Thinking there was a break jn the weather we rallied and all trundled down to Green Lake for what turned out to be a cold and rainy walk. We made the best of it. It felt good to fill our lungs with fresh air and the lighting was gorgeous.

We even had a bit of fun running, and stomping in the puddles!

At one point I asked, “Lady Kitty, do you want to rinse your boots off in this mud puddle? The water looks pretty clean…”

“It’s not a mud puddle it’s a leaf puddle,” she said as she happily splashed away.

Leaf Puddle

There you have it friends, it’s not a mud puddle it’s a leaf puddle! A perfect end to a perfect day, I’m glad I spent it with you!

Lion King still Reigns

Excited for the show
This was Lake’s second viewing
Someone was a little cheeky

We braved the remains of the snow and ice storm of last week, and successfully made the weekend car trip down to Portland for the occasion of the Lion King at Keller Auditorium. Nana had treated us to the Lion King when it was in Seattle before Lady Kitty was born so she hadn’t seen it yet and Lake said he didn’t remember it (fair enough he was two years old at the time). It was time for a rewatch and a wonderful opportunity and treat to refresh for me, too.

The last time we turned out for the Lion King compliments of Nana can be found Here… you’re welcome to review for a flashback.

We sat down near the stage this time, so we could really see the amazing costumes and the actors’ and actresses’ acting, dancing acrobatics. It is an incredible show with the fullness of the music (thank you Elton John) and the puppet-like costumes that the actors wear and exhaustively animate throughout the musical. We hadn’t been able to get seats together, so Lake was a few rows in front of Lady Kitty and I was in the row behind Lady Kitty. Lake is absolutely absorbed in any type of show or production, and sits quietly with rapt attention. He did great sitting by himself and made friends with the parties sitting on either side of him. Lady Kitty is an entirely different creature. She could be found at different points during the performance climbing over the seats, rolling under the seats, and lying on the ground. 🫣

Sitting next to Pippa she was thrilled

I would say overall Lady Kitty was incredibly excited and gleeful and enjoyed the production, but she may have been a bit more active than some of the patrons near us would’ve preferred. For the second half I sat in her chair with her on my lap and that way at least she wasn’t climbing back-and-forth over the top of her chair. 😅

Keller Auditorium

We all had a wonderful time. A perfect day, I’m glad I spent it with you.