Happy Birthday Daddy

Happy Birthday Daddy

Today (September 17th) is Daddy’s birthday! Thanks to all our friends and family for coming out to the Old Spaghetti Factory on Elliot to celebrate this evening. In the process of us having a great time we were also upholding a longstanding Michael birthday tradition. For 14 of Michaels past 16 birthdays he’s held an annual gathering at the OSF. While it’s always a festive event, this one was by far my favorite. 

Lake sitting pretty with Grandpa Greg
Lake gave a rockstar performance as cute cuddly baby, and was the heartwarming “floating guest” as he was passed agreeably from lap to lap. We had a memorable birthday party!

A grand tradition, Old Spaghetti Factory September 17, 2016

Other landmarks today on the Lake front include newly cut teeth! It took Grandma Julie poking around in there during dinner to discover and exclaim,

He has teeth! Two bottom teeth!

Uh, oh! This [breastfeeding thing] is going to get more serious, I can tell already. Me documented as being carefree earlier in the day on Kite Hill at Gasworks Park… before I knew about the teeth:

This video doesn’t exist

I love life! I am truly blessed with a supportive and beautiful family. I love you, Michael, you are an incredible husband and father. Happy Birthday and cheers for many more years to come!